Clean air – clean start

In some cities politicians are scurrying to persuade the courts that they are obeying an EU demand to clean up the air as soon as possible.

The Paris mayor said she wanted the city to become ‘semi-pedestrianised’, with a ban on diesel cars in the city centre and some neighbourhoods given entirely to residents’ cars, delivery vehicles and emergency vehicles.

“I want diesel cars out of Paris by 2020,” she said.

Ms Hidalgo hopes that her plan will improve the quality of the air in a city where, on average, people live six or seven months less than those who are not exposed to the same levels of pollution.

She also said “Using more electric delivery vans and putting limits on tourist buses would also help lessen the public health risk”.

Bikes are expected to become the favoured form of transport with cycle lanes doubled by 2020 in a $141m (£90m) plan.

In Tynedale we live in hope and there’s a whisper from the horses mouth that our proposal to significantly improve the dangerous T junction from Rotary Way onto Ferry Road which goes  past Egger is scheduled to be done in the next year. Time will tell!

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