Hexham Transition… A Fool Yet Again

The king thought he might go out for a ride for a change. His horse was ecofriendly?


Maybe? He thought it would please a few people anyway. But at a mound in a field he came up short…his horse that is, and he found himself sat on a pile of dirt. Well he thought it was dirt but in fact as he hit the ground his feet kicked out potatoes.

So he wondered what strange land he had come on that buried spuds in fields …but not to Grow!

A voice said well we used to live in Russia and the peasants taught us to bury spuds there..where was Russia asked the king. Well the voice said it seemed to be anywhere the people could find to sell weapons…

Now thought the king you are talking my language. It did not matter the king knew who started a struggle …or when but he knew his mates could make money selling the weapons game.

So he thought a while and said well anybody who sells these things makes money so if I learn to make mounds of spuds then maybe these guys ,whoever they were who took care of the mounds that was, could let him in on the latest game to sell weapons.

So he rode his horse there frequently for days hoping Eco messages could blow smoke enough to cover his desires.

But the fool watched and listened…he had heard leprechauns stashed gold mountains before…and tended to be a little,shall we say amoral. Not like the king of course,or his Government . Or anyone else’s for that matter…honest!

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